“Standards and Needs” – limits to and opportunities of customised dispute resolution schemes

a dispute resolution workshop to be and to ski at
hosted by The Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration (FICA);
14-17 January 2015, Boutiquehotel Steinerwirt, Zell am See, Austria

The workshop offers the opportunity to compare experience with “tailor made” procedural rules, with ad hoc/one off rules. Rules are drafted by multinational teams not only to guide the parties on various procedural issues but to balance different backgrounds of procedural and thus legal cultures. Have they got it right? Is there a growing demand for one-off rules?

The more simple and standardised a dispute resolution scheme is, the fewer questions can arise. The ever growing number of different sets of rules, however, suggests that demand for general principles of how to construe seemingly long established standards on specific procedural situations remains. Given the increasing amount of online debate forums for ADR practitioners and the obviously intense use that is made of it, the need for further and personal exchange of experience is increasing.